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One Year of Merlin's Grove

It's been a bit over a year since I first launched Merlin's Grove. I was a much weaker writer back then, and I had no idea what I was doing with self-publishing. This meant I put out some pretty embarrassing covers (the first one had a slight nostalgic charm to it, but the other two were pretty bad).

The series has taught me quite a bit about every aspect of the book industry, and it has strongly guided me into territory I had no idea I'd enter. Namely, I now consider myself firmly in the m/m romance genre with paranormal or fantasy elements.

This is quite a niche area, and I think the direction I've gone with the Irish Dream Hunks series is the right one for me (though, I want to return to Merlin's Grove in the near future). Keep your eyes out for the newest one around May 1, 2018.

Since I've been thinking through what I've learned, I've decided to update the covers of Merlin's Grove to be more in line with genre standards and to actually look like a trilogy!

Here they are:

In honor of the one year mark, I've decided to do a free promotion of the first book. So if you haven't found out what Merlin's Grove is all about yet, check out the Amazon page April 5-7, 2018.

Also, to support the genre I love, I am doing a free book giveaway each month to a subscriber to the newsletter.

The March winner was Chuck in California, and he received a free copy of The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin. (Don't worry, I ask if you want to remain anonymous before posting your name).

Sign up now if you haven't yet!

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