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May Giveaway Update

I want to continue to do a giveaway of a free book every month related to m/m romance with fantasy/sci-fi/paranormal elements. We all do what we can to support this tiny community! The way I've been doing it is a little awkward, though.

Right now there is no transparency. You don't see the number of entrants. You don't know the book choices until you win. My current "rules" lead to awkward situations like in April where all Top 5 books in "gay fantasy" were f/f (good for them! but bad for this contest).

And so on.

So now I'm going to actually pick a book each month ahead of time and use an actual "giveaway service." This is worse for all of you, because you have to remember to click something each month to re-enter. But it is what it is. I think this trade-off is probably worth it in this case.

The May giveaway is going to be the e-book of T.J. Klune's The Lightning Struck Heart.

Once upon a time, in an alleyway in the slums of the City Of Lockes, a young and somewhat lonely boy named Sam Haversford turns a group of teenage douchebags into stone completely by accident. Of course, this catches the attention of a higher power, and Sam’s pulled from the only world he knows to become an apprentice to the King's Wizard, Morgan of Shadows. When Sam’s fourteen, he enters the Dark Woods and returns with Gary, the hornless gay unicorn, and a half-giant named Tiggy, earning the moniker Sam of Wilds. At fifteen, Sam learns what love truly is when a new knight arrives at the castle—Knight Ryan Foxheart, the dreamiest dream to have ever been dreamed. Naturally, it all goes to hell when Ryan dates the reprehensible Prince Justin, Sam can't control his magic, a sexually aggressive dragon kidnaps the prince, and the King sends them on an epic quest to save Ryan's boyfriend, all while Sam falls more in love with someone he can never have.

Enter below. If it hasn't loaded properly, you can also enter here.

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