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June Updates

As many of you know, I was considering not writing Irish Dream Hunks Book 3 just yet. But I've gotten back to work on it, mostly because I was already so far along in the process. So expect that to come next month! Unfortunately, I don't have a title or cover, yet. That will be posted here soon.

The above image is a cave painting of the Great Irish Elk. The main character in Book 3 is an art historian and he is doing research on this painting for the first part. I'll also post pictures of the other art he studies in the book to keep your interest.

Structurally, it's probably the most interesting book I've written. Each section is based around one piece of art he researches. So we get little vignettes about different parts of his life in different parts of Ireland. The main characters from the other books will make some cameos in this one, but it is completely standalone as a novel.

Book 3 still has magic and myth and fun banter.

I also think the book I write after this one is going to be a bit longer and complicated. I want to really settle into something more serious. My style to this point has mostly been to take common romance ideas and infuse some paranormal/fantasy elements.

I've been itching to break free of these tropes for at least one book to keep pushing myself creatively. I'm thinking it will be in a whole different world like traditional Tolkien-style fantasy rather than the modern real-world with some twists.

I'm pretty excited for it, and I've got a bunch of notes started while I wrap up edits on this Irish Dream Hunks book.

If you still haven't gotten into this series yet, I've made Book 1 (The Harp of Dunnbog) $0.99 to try to counteract the negative review, so it's the perfect time to try it out.

Also, remember to sign up for this month's giveaway if you're interested.

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